Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Truth About the Presidency (And You Can't Handle The Truth)

First of all, you need to understand that the President does not solve the problems.

You might believe that we need change, and that's why I'm writing you at this moment.

Oooh, stop! Take a look at that sentence above.

Does it sound familiar?

It ought to.

Because that's what Obama does when he talks. He uses phrases that are obviously true, and then adds a "because" and NOW, you have to believe him.

It's called conversational hypnotism, and it's what Obama engages in. He is trying to hypnotize you into believing that because he can spot the problems, he's therefore the person that can fix the problems.

Well, then, you'd best believe that I'm more qualified than him to spot problems, because you've already seen that I see them better than they do. 

So, should I be President?

Not going to happen.

My ex-wife would come out of the woodwork and lay down all the stupid stuff I did when I was first married, (yes, she did stupid things, too, but I'm man enough to let the past be the past. I don't know that she is). And, so because I made some stupid mistakes in the past, all the pundits would have you believe that I'm unqualified to run for office.

Which brings me back to my main point.

What exactly does the President do? How can the President create CHANGE?

All the President can do is spout his agenda, talk to congress, and try to influence them to change the laws.

Yes, the President is recognized as "the leader" of the free world. But, that doesn't mean that he is. (And, if you doubt that, then take a look at our current leader who changes the rules of the game, keeps border patrol guards locked in prison for trying to bust a marijuana trafficker, and threw out most of his first cabinet because they didn't agree with him.)

I've said it before; I'll say it again. 

We don't have any qualified leaders in this election, and Sarah Palin is the best of a bad bunch.

It's like I've told others, "If God had meant for us to vote, he'd give us qualified candidates."

But, that ain't gonna happen folks.

And, even if it does, it won't matter.

We don't need change.

We need to get back to the original constitution and the original Bill of Rights.

Yeah, I realize it's a good thing that women get the vote, now. 

(By the way, if you guessed that women were the last to get the right to vote, you'd be wrong. It was the Native American Indians who were the last group to get the right to vote.)

But, I often wonder if we should give the rights to people to vote who aren't paying taxes. Those who live off the government "entitlements," maybe they shouldn't get a say.

And, maybe Congress shouldn't be allowed to vote themselves a pay raise, either.

But, I digress.

The President, thanks to the Gulf Of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam "police action", the President was given more power to start war.

(By the way, war is usually over one of two things: either land or religion. We weren't trying to get either in Vietnam, which showed how stupid the politicians were when they decided that all the world would fall to Communism, if we didn't stop it there. Ho Chi Minh chose communism over democracy because he thought it was the better way to bring Vietnam around and unite his people. ALL of THEM were WRONG.)

The President does act as an ambassador to other foreign governments (I just hope they don't try to dance and beat the bongos like our current one, when they do that.)

But, the President has the power to sign into law things that are determined by the congress, which consists of the representatives and the senators.

The point is this: when Presidential candidates who don't state their position, other than that they recognize a problem as a problem, and use conversational hypnosis to try and gain office, you got to wonder just what kind of crap they'll pull when they're in office.

Hey, Carter, buck up. After this four year term, regardless of who wins, you will no longer be recognized as the worst President ever. (But, the current one is definitely giving it a run for the money.)

Live for Truth,

Alex F.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Let's Just Give You A Taste Of How To Solve Problems

Look, a lot of you are going to think that I'm some crazy, whacked out, druggo for stating this one.

But, I ain't touched marijuana in so long that I can't even by legally charged for it twice over.

Never did cocaine, heroin, meth, pcp, or any of that other "hard core" stuff. And, on top of that, I don't intend to ever start.

So, why then would I recommend that one of the laws we need to change is to legalize drugs.

Don't go anywhere until you read this whole column, and it will make sense to you.

Legalize all the street drugs--BUT, you have to have a few rules first.

#1: If you deal to a minor, you are executed. And I ain't talking any of that namby-pamby "wait for the governor to pardon you" crap. I'm talking about doing it like they do it in China. If you deal to a minor, you are taken out right there on the courthouse steps, dropped to your knees, bullet to the C-5 (right at the base of your skull), and executed. (And, I don't care if you charge the family for the cost of the bullet.)

#2: You don't get to use the "but I was on drugs" defense for any other crime that you commit. Now, that drugs ain't a crime, if you commit a crime, YOU DO THE TIME! No, ifs, ands, or buts about it. No, "but my daddy slept with me when I was a little girl" excuses. No "but my priest molested me" excuses. (Which, if they did, they Need To Do Their Time, too. In addition to the special hell that should be lined up for them when they die.)

#3: This is one of those RARE times that I recommend that "the government" be the distributing solution. Since the supply is now readily available to all those who are stupid enough to partake (See, I told you I wasn't defending them. They're still stupid if they want to do drugs, because they're too weak to create their own inner high.) the cost can come down. And, if the cost can come down, then it should be taxed at a 100% rate.

Let me give you an example. Let's say that marijuana was now roughly the price of a cigarette pack. Then a pack of marijuana cigarettes would be around five or six bucks. Well, then, you would charge an additional five or six bucks for tax. The cost of twenty marijuana cigarettes would be about $12.

Here's the LOGIC behind all this.

#1: We keep the drugs out of our kid's hands. Very few morons are going to want to die to deal to minors.

#2: Since the government can now sell it cheaper than the peddlers, there's no "turf wars" over drugs.

#3: We now don't have to waste time and expenses on fighting a "drug war" that can't seem to be won.

#4: We get back to holding people responsible for their actions.

#5: We get to have the government make money, which can help pay down the National Debt (which we'll tackle at another topic some day down the road.) instead of not making any money off a product that obviously sells.

#6: Those who need medical marijuana won't have to fight silly federal laws to get the help they need.

And, even if they never enacted this law, they still ought to look at people who need medical marijuana, like those who have glaucoma or multiple sclerosis or other medical needs, so they can get it.

But, do you think the morons in Washington, D.C. get that?


Which reminds me:
God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the Archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day.

He inquired of God, "Where have you been?"
God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction, and proudly pointed downward through the clouds.

"Look, Michael. Look what I've made."

Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, "What is it?
"It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.

God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, Western Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while Eastern Europe is going to be poor.

Over there I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of black people.

"Balance in all things," God continued pointing to different countries.
"This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land area and said,

"What's that one?"

"Ah," said God, "That's Washington State, the most glorious place on earth.
"There are beautiful mountains, rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills, plains, and coulees. The people from Washington State are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to be found traveling the world.

They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, and will be known throughout the world as diplomats and carriers of peace."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then proclaimed,
"What about balance, God? You said there would be balance."

God smiled, "Well, on the other side of the United States, there's this other Washington--"

Live for Truth,

Alex F.

Friday, October 17, 2008

So, How Did It All Get So Screwed Up?


Last time, we briefly touched on the fact that most of the signers at the Declaration of Independence were merchants and veterans.

I think Shakespeare had the right idea when he said, "First, let's kill all the lawyers."

I'm not saying there ain't some good lawyers out there. If I ever messed up, I know I want Gerry Spence pouring out his "good ol' boy" soliloquy for me. 

But, the lawyers that get into politics, by and large, (remember not all lawyers are bad), are in it for POWER.

If you have to have POWER from a political office, then let me clue you in right freaking now!

(You don't have any power. It's kind of like if you have to ask somebody to respect you, then you ain't earned it.)

True Power does not come from the barrel of a gun, despite what old Commie Mao used to spout.

True Power comes from being an authority on the subject matter at hand. Or, it comes from having built relationships with others who accept that you will do what's right. 

But, even if you have THAT kind of power, then you are in the WRONG to use it against other people.

The only person you should use your POWER on is YOU.

Politicians ain't learned this yet. They think it's all about bringing home the PORK for their constituents so you can stay in POWER until they die.

Don't worry, I've got a way to end all that and level the playing field for everyone, and I'll let you know all about it in  a future RANT.

You have to remember that POWER corrupts, and absolute POWER corrupts absolutely. (Take our current Prez for instance when he wiped out all of his dissenters in the beginning of his second term. Take a look at the fact that he keeps two border patrol agents, who busted a drug dealer in jail, and then states that the prosecutor, who's his buddy, did the right thing. And, yet Scooter Libby, his Vice Prez's buddy gets pardoned immediately. And, you want to tell me that absolute power don't corrupt absolutely.)

So, the problem is that somewhere, POWER came into the equation. (It's kind of like the author of the famous song, "Hello, Muddah! Hello Faddah!" Allan Sherman wrote when he wrote the Rape of the American Puritan Ethic. (A.P.E.) He stated that people enjoyed intercourse, until they started thinking about it. Then when they started thinking about it, they screwed it up.)

So, we have to remember that Politicans are not necessarily about doing what's right. They're about doing what keeps them in office, and keeps them in POWER.

In a little over four years, you'll get a chance to rectify that. 

But, it won't happen if you keep being stupid and keep hoping that the politicians will save you.

Live For Truth

Alex F.

Back To The Beginning!

Let's go back. Way Back. Way, Way Back.

When John Smith, et al., met Pocohantas, the colonists were struggling.

They wanted to get away from a government that wouldn't let them worship like they wanted.

So, they came here.

(And, the very first crop they raised that made them money and built this country, oddly enough was TOBACCO. But, just to show you how well these politicians remember their freaking roots, what are they doing, taxing the crap out of it, raising the price out of it, making laws against it, and trying to get everybody to quit it. In the meantime, let the booze freaking flow, because "it's good for your heart," despite the fact that nobody ever smoked themselves to death in one night, had one too many freaking cigarettes and blew through a red light, killing a family of four, or had one too many cigarettes and beat the crap out of his wife. Booze gets the benefits, but cigarettes is the "main problem." That's just to give you an idea how stupid this whole system is.)

In 1776, mostly merchants and soldiers got together and decided that Britain was taxing the crap out of them, and they decided to free themselves from King George the IV's rule. (Which oddly enough on July 4, 1776, George wrote in his journal that "nothing much of interest happened today.") So, they wrote the Declaration of Independence.

The main thing they were ticked off about, (which led to the Boston Tea Party, where all the taxed tea got tossed in the drink), was that they were being taxed in the colonies without proper representation.

Well, the same bloody thing is happening today right here in the U.S.A. Except, change the word "proper" to "competent." That whole stinking group doesn't have a clue about taxing us.

And, it's about to get even worse if Obama becomes Prez. He thinks that by taxing us more, and re-distributing the wealth, that'll solve the problems of this country.

But, here's the facts:

1) You can't treat everybody equally fair in any type of taxation government.

If you set up a "new colony," well somebody has to be paid to "protect the people." Others have to be paid to set up services. (Granted, these things are NEEDED, but as you'll see, it quickly gets out of control.) Then, people have to be paid to administer all this. 

Where does all that money come from.


Now, what if you don't NEED protection?

Tough, you have to pay for it anyhow.

What if you don't NEED services?

Tough, you have to pay for it anyhow.

Well, that ain't fair.

It's like the freaking joke about the biker arguing the hotel bill. The manager kept telling him the towels, the soap, the phone, and all those things were there "in case he needed it." The biker said, "but I didn't use it." The manager wouldn't budge. So, the biker grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a bill for $100 and presented it to the manager. The manager said, "What's that for?" The biker said, "For banging my ol' lady." The manager said, "But I never had sex with your woman." And, the biker said, "So, she was there if you needed to."

Even if the government refunds the money that they "took," they still couldn't give it all back, because the people they hired to handle the other matters put in their time, and would be entitled to keep it.

So, the best that any government that uses taxation can do is be "equally unfair" to everybody.

These politicians have lost sight of what was originally set up in the constitution, which we'll probably take a look at next, but you never know which way I'll go, because like Barry Sanders when he was open field running said, "Shoot, I don't even know where my feet are going to go next."

Live For Truth,

Alex F.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I can't freaking take it anymore!

I've had it with all of them. I've had it with Biden. I've had it with McCain. I've had it with Palin. And, I most certainly have had it with Obama.

You better all hunker down folks, because we are in for the absolute WORST four years of our ever loving lives.

Politicians absolutely 100% suck. 

Oh, you only think I know how to name-call, huh?


Let's look at these four wonderful choices. Let's look at the best of the bad bunch first: Palin.

First, if McCain dies of a heart attack because he somehow got in after blundering through this whole fiasco of trying to be the liberal republican who ain't Bush, then Palin's our best hope.

But, she opens her mouth too freaking much. (Lord love Calvin Coolidge. He was a man who knew how to keep his mouth shut!) And, if she bats those eyelashes one more freaking time, like she's winking at us, I think I'm gonna hack up a lash!

Biden's a freaking liberal. And liberals mean one thing. We will GIVE you everything! 

Yeah, they all sound like Santa Claus. But, all these liberals are really Robbing Hood, and they're robbing the money from us who work our butts off and they give to those who don't.

McCain ain't figured out that the WAY we went into Iraq was wrong (not to mention the freaking timing.)

But, Obama, yes dear Lord, save us from Obama. The man don't know how to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. He's going to give a tax break to those who make under $250,000.

But, it's usually the ones who make over $250,000 who give out the jobs, moron! But, you and your "look at me, I'm a senator in my first term of office, gee-whiz, and golly gee" way of thinking ain't figured that out.

You're gonna institute a windfall profit tax on OIL because they make too much, right?

Now, who do you think they're gonna pass that extra cost to, genius?

Us, you idiot!

Government ain't figured out how to get their hands out of the way of anything that actually WORKS!

Whose money are you going to use to provide these new benefits to us? You digging in your own pocket? Don't think so.

Now, let's face facts.

Number 1: This blog ain't gonna change the fact that come January 2009, whether McCain gets in, or whether Obama gets in, WE ARE SCREWED! (And they probably ain't gonna be nice enough to provide a petroleum based product when they do it, either.)

Number 2: Hunker down and brave the worst administration, regardless of who wins, that America has ever seen.

Number 3: Wake up and realize that the next time that you are offered a third choice of a "former libertarian" you'd best take him. Even if he acts like a buffoon on TV. Even if he doesn't return money to KKK contributors.

Number 4: You'd best get welcome to the birth of Fletcherism. That's right. I'm here, and I ain't going away. Yeah, I'm starting on a blog, but the money will come, and I will get my own website, and WE will start putting America right.

Number 5: I'm going to start TEACHING you (no, I don't freaking share. If you want to freaking share, then go to your sicko liberals and see if they're into that perverted wife swapping or something.) what WE should be doing to put this country back on track.

Number 6: No, I ain't going to show you my picture. Not for a long time. I want you to get to know me through MY IDEAS, and not by whether I've got a handsome face. (Hey, if you're lucky, I might talk one of these days and at least you'll have a voice to pin me to.)

Spread the word. Fletch is here. He's loud. He's arrogant. He's right (and we ain't talking that Republican conservative crap. We're talking about "right" as in "correct;" as in "truth;" as in "NOT WRONG.")

Oh, and number 7: I ain't one of those flaming libertarians that believes that child porn and paid abortions are okay. I'm a CONSERVATIVE libertarian who believes that the government needs to stay away from paying for any special project outside of needed services (like roads, firemen, police--but, they'd best do away with some of the things they make the police do besides "Protect and Serve", etc.) 

It's time to get Lawyers and Politicians OUT of Washington. It's time to get Socialism, Liberalism, and Radicalism (such as protecting your security by destroying your rights) OUT of Washington.

Shoot, it's time to get Washington out of Washington, and let's move it somewhere else. Who needs a multi-million dollar home to run the country anyhow? (By the way, the White House is YOUR house. The President just gets to live there while he/she's in office. Sheesh, never thought I'd have to "he/she" the President thing, but if McCain wins, he could have a heart attack, and although I'm no advocate of assassination or violence, Eddy Murphy did do a skit about the first black President being shot, didn't he? So, you might have to get ready for President Palin, the best of the bad bunch, or President Biden, another liberal OUT to take YOUR money, because somewhere the democrats--and a lot of republicans--FORGOT that it's the People's money that fund the taxes.

Heck, next time I might teach you how and why government can't be fair to everybody, but the best they can do is be UNFAIR to everybody.

Live For Truth,

Alex F.