Friday, October 17, 2008

Back To The Beginning!

Let's go back. Way Back. Way, Way Back.

When John Smith, et al., met Pocohantas, the colonists were struggling.

They wanted to get away from a government that wouldn't let them worship like they wanted.

So, they came here.

(And, the very first crop they raised that made them money and built this country, oddly enough was TOBACCO. But, just to show you how well these politicians remember their freaking roots, what are they doing, taxing the crap out of it, raising the price out of it, making laws against it, and trying to get everybody to quit it. In the meantime, let the booze freaking flow, because "it's good for your heart," despite the fact that nobody ever smoked themselves to death in one night, had one too many freaking cigarettes and blew through a red light, killing a family of four, or had one too many cigarettes and beat the crap out of his wife. Booze gets the benefits, but cigarettes is the "main problem." That's just to give you an idea how stupid this whole system is.)

In 1776, mostly merchants and soldiers got together and decided that Britain was taxing the crap out of them, and they decided to free themselves from King George the IV's rule. (Which oddly enough on July 4, 1776, George wrote in his journal that "nothing much of interest happened today.") So, they wrote the Declaration of Independence.

The main thing they were ticked off about, (which led to the Boston Tea Party, where all the taxed tea got tossed in the drink), was that they were being taxed in the colonies without proper representation.

Well, the same bloody thing is happening today right here in the U.S.A. Except, change the word "proper" to "competent." That whole stinking group doesn't have a clue about taxing us.

And, it's about to get even worse if Obama becomes Prez. He thinks that by taxing us more, and re-distributing the wealth, that'll solve the problems of this country.

But, here's the facts:

1) You can't treat everybody equally fair in any type of taxation government.

If you set up a "new colony," well somebody has to be paid to "protect the people." Others have to be paid to set up services. (Granted, these things are NEEDED, but as you'll see, it quickly gets out of control.) Then, people have to be paid to administer all this. 

Where does all that money come from.


Now, what if you don't NEED protection?

Tough, you have to pay for it anyhow.

What if you don't NEED services?

Tough, you have to pay for it anyhow.

Well, that ain't fair.

It's like the freaking joke about the biker arguing the hotel bill. The manager kept telling him the towels, the soap, the phone, and all those things were there "in case he needed it." The biker said, "but I didn't use it." The manager wouldn't budge. So, the biker grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a bill for $100 and presented it to the manager. The manager said, "What's that for?" The biker said, "For banging my ol' lady." The manager said, "But I never had sex with your woman." And, the biker said, "So, she was there if you needed to."

Even if the government refunds the money that they "took," they still couldn't give it all back, because the people they hired to handle the other matters put in their time, and would be entitled to keep it.

So, the best that any government that uses taxation can do is be "equally unfair" to everybody.

These politicians have lost sight of what was originally set up in the constitution, which we'll probably take a look at next, but you never know which way I'll go, because like Barry Sanders when he was open field running said, "Shoot, I don't even know where my feet are going to go next."

Live For Truth,

Alex F.

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