Thursday, October 16, 2008

I can't freaking take it anymore!

I've had it with all of them. I've had it with Biden. I've had it with McCain. I've had it with Palin. And, I most certainly have had it with Obama.

You better all hunker down folks, because we are in for the absolute WORST four years of our ever loving lives.

Politicians absolutely 100% suck. 

Oh, you only think I know how to name-call, huh?


Let's look at these four wonderful choices. Let's look at the best of the bad bunch first: Palin.

First, if McCain dies of a heart attack because he somehow got in after blundering through this whole fiasco of trying to be the liberal republican who ain't Bush, then Palin's our best hope.

But, she opens her mouth too freaking much. (Lord love Calvin Coolidge. He was a man who knew how to keep his mouth shut!) And, if she bats those eyelashes one more freaking time, like she's winking at us, I think I'm gonna hack up a lash!

Biden's a freaking liberal. And liberals mean one thing. We will GIVE you everything! 

Yeah, they all sound like Santa Claus. But, all these liberals are really Robbing Hood, and they're robbing the money from us who work our butts off and they give to those who don't.

McCain ain't figured out that the WAY we went into Iraq was wrong (not to mention the freaking timing.)

But, Obama, yes dear Lord, save us from Obama. The man don't know how to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. He's going to give a tax break to those who make under $250,000.

But, it's usually the ones who make over $250,000 who give out the jobs, moron! But, you and your "look at me, I'm a senator in my first term of office, gee-whiz, and golly gee" way of thinking ain't figured that out.

You're gonna institute a windfall profit tax on OIL because they make too much, right?

Now, who do you think they're gonna pass that extra cost to, genius?

Us, you idiot!

Government ain't figured out how to get their hands out of the way of anything that actually WORKS!

Whose money are you going to use to provide these new benefits to us? You digging in your own pocket? Don't think so.

Now, let's face facts.

Number 1: This blog ain't gonna change the fact that come January 2009, whether McCain gets in, or whether Obama gets in, WE ARE SCREWED! (And they probably ain't gonna be nice enough to provide a petroleum based product when they do it, either.)

Number 2: Hunker down and brave the worst administration, regardless of who wins, that America has ever seen.

Number 3: Wake up and realize that the next time that you are offered a third choice of a "former libertarian" you'd best take him. Even if he acts like a buffoon on TV. Even if he doesn't return money to KKK contributors.

Number 4: You'd best get welcome to the birth of Fletcherism. That's right. I'm here, and I ain't going away. Yeah, I'm starting on a blog, but the money will come, and I will get my own website, and WE will start putting America right.

Number 5: I'm going to start TEACHING you (no, I don't freaking share. If you want to freaking share, then go to your sicko liberals and see if they're into that perverted wife swapping or something.) what WE should be doing to put this country back on track.

Number 6: No, I ain't going to show you my picture. Not for a long time. I want you to get to know me through MY IDEAS, and not by whether I've got a handsome face. (Hey, if you're lucky, I might talk one of these days and at least you'll have a voice to pin me to.)

Spread the word. Fletch is here. He's loud. He's arrogant. He's right (and we ain't talking that Republican conservative crap. We're talking about "right" as in "correct;" as in "truth;" as in "NOT WRONG.")

Oh, and number 7: I ain't one of those flaming libertarians that believes that child porn and paid abortions are okay. I'm a CONSERVATIVE libertarian who believes that the government needs to stay away from paying for any special project outside of needed services (like roads, firemen, police--but, they'd best do away with some of the things they make the police do besides "Protect and Serve", etc.) 

It's time to get Lawyers and Politicians OUT of Washington. It's time to get Socialism, Liberalism, and Radicalism (such as protecting your security by destroying your rights) OUT of Washington.

Shoot, it's time to get Washington out of Washington, and let's move it somewhere else. Who needs a multi-million dollar home to run the country anyhow? (By the way, the White House is YOUR house. The President just gets to live there while he/she's in office. Sheesh, never thought I'd have to "he/she" the President thing, but if McCain wins, he could have a heart attack, and although I'm no advocate of assassination or violence, Eddy Murphy did do a skit about the first black President being shot, didn't he? So, you might have to get ready for President Palin, the best of the bad bunch, or President Biden, another liberal OUT to take YOUR money, because somewhere the democrats--and a lot of republicans--FORGOT that it's the People's money that fund the taxes.

Heck, next time I might teach you how and why government can't be fair to everybody, but the best they can do is be UNFAIR to everybody.

Live For Truth,

Alex F.

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