Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Truth About the Presidency (And You Can't Handle The Truth)

First of all, you need to understand that the President does not solve the problems.

You might believe that we need change, and that's why I'm writing you at this moment.

Oooh, stop! Take a look at that sentence above.

Does it sound familiar?

It ought to.

Because that's what Obama does when he talks. He uses phrases that are obviously true, and then adds a "because" and NOW, you have to believe him.

It's called conversational hypnotism, and it's what Obama engages in. He is trying to hypnotize you into believing that because he can spot the problems, he's therefore the person that can fix the problems.

Well, then, you'd best believe that I'm more qualified than him to spot problems, because you've already seen that I see them better than they do. 

So, should I be President?

Not going to happen.

My ex-wife would come out of the woodwork and lay down all the stupid stuff I did when I was first married, (yes, she did stupid things, too, but I'm man enough to let the past be the past. I don't know that she is). And, so because I made some stupid mistakes in the past, all the pundits would have you believe that I'm unqualified to run for office.

Which brings me back to my main point.

What exactly does the President do? How can the President create CHANGE?

All the President can do is spout his agenda, talk to congress, and try to influence them to change the laws.

Yes, the President is recognized as "the leader" of the free world. But, that doesn't mean that he is. (And, if you doubt that, then take a look at our current leader who changes the rules of the game, keeps border patrol guards locked in prison for trying to bust a marijuana trafficker, and threw out most of his first cabinet because they didn't agree with him.)

I've said it before; I'll say it again. 

We don't have any qualified leaders in this election, and Sarah Palin is the best of a bad bunch.

It's like I've told others, "If God had meant for us to vote, he'd give us qualified candidates."

But, that ain't gonna happen folks.

And, even if it does, it won't matter.

We don't need change.

We need to get back to the original constitution and the original Bill of Rights.

Yeah, I realize it's a good thing that women get the vote, now. 

(By the way, if you guessed that women were the last to get the right to vote, you'd be wrong. It was the Native American Indians who were the last group to get the right to vote.)

But, I often wonder if we should give the rights to people to vote who aren't paying taxes. Those who live off the government "entitlements," maybe they shouldn't get a say.

And, maybe Congress shouldn't be allowed to vote themselves a pay raise, either.

But, I digress.

The President, thanks to the Gulf Of Tonkin incident during the Vietnam "police action", the President was given more power to start war.

(By the way, war is usually over one of two things: either land or religion. We weren't trying to get either in Vietnam, which showed how stupid the politicians were when they decided that all the world would fall to Communism, if we didn't stop it there. Ho Chi Minh chose communism over democracy because he thought it was the better way to bring Vietnam around and unite his people. ALL of THEM were WRONG.)

The President does act as an ambassador to other foreign governments (I just hope they don't try to dance and beat the bongos like our current one, when they do that.)

But, the President has the power to sign into law things that are determined by the congress, which consists of the representatives and the senators.

The point is this: when Presidential candidates who don't state their position, other than that they recognize a problem as a problem, and use conversational hypnosis to try and gain office, you got to wonder just what kind of crap they'll pull when they're in office.

Hey, Carter, buck up. After this four year term, regardless of who wins, you will no longer be recognized as the worst President ever. (But, the current one is definitely giving it a run for the money.)

Live for Truth,

Alex F.

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