Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time For The Wealthy To Go On Strike?

If Obama gets in, (and I still ain't crazy about McCain or Palin), then it's time for the scenario played out in Atlas Shrugged to become a reality.

If you ain't read the 1000 plus page book of tiny print, then you are missing out. Yes, I know the moronic Satanists base their principles on Randian philosophy spouted by Ayn Rand, but just because the Catholics go into their church through the front door doesn't mean the Baptists have to crawl through the windows.

I'm going to spoil part of the plot for you, but you should still read it.

In the book, all the wealthy, movers, and shakers go on strike and disappear from the world.

The railroads turn into disarray, and people start falling apart.

And, all because of the belief, for the needs of the one, to him it is given.

And, that's what Obama is stating. He's going to redistribute wealth.

So, what happens.

Let me tell you.

When you start doing windfall profit taxes on oil companies, what do they do?

They shut down production, so they don't have any profits.

What does that do to the price of oil?

Shoots it through the roof.

You thought it was bad at $4 plus per gallon, if Obama gets in, see how you like $8 per gallon.

Oh, and do it all while paying for the sluff-offs, lazy, and worthless.

Billy Joel may have said, "You can pay Uncle Sam with the overtime; is that all you get for your money."

But, the new tune will be, "You can pay for other's welfare with your hard earned bucks; is that all you get from your gov'ment."

It's time for people to realize this one statement. (Say it with me)

I'm responsible for my actions, which determine how life turns out for me.

This crap of people being stupid and hoping that any candidate will "save this country," just ain't gonna happen.

The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can start to heal from the disappointment.

By the way, trust me on this one.

The rich DO NOT lose.

They find the loopholes, or they shut down production.

And, if you tax the rich, the rich will just pass it on in the form of higher costs to (you ain't figured this out, yet) YOU!

So, quit hoping on taxing the rich.

If you do that, you might get the mindset to become rich yourself.

Then, are you going to vote for some "say nothing, but confuse the people with manipulation" candidate like Obama.

I'll attack McCain later if by some miracle he gets into office.

And, if he does, he might have a heart attack, and then you can deal with "I've got to look good on Saturday Night Live" Palin.

Live for Truth,

A. Fletcher

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