Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America, Be Prepared To Bend Over--

Tonight, America, you made the most massive blunder in ages.

You voted for more government by the government.

Not government by, of, and for the people.

Apparently Americans, especially those who are too young to not have fully developed brains, decided to try and take security over freedom.

And, you ended up costing all Americans everything.

The man you elected has deep connections to terrorists. But, McCain, being the pansy that he is, was afraid to harp on the truth, because he didn't want to be called racist.

Here's the facts.

Timothy McVeigh, who blew up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was a terrorist.

He was trying to avenge the death of David Koresh.

Both of them were white.

So, now if I had hung out with them, which I wouldn't, because I think both of them were brain-dead whackjobs, would it be okay for me to call you a racist, because I'm white and I hung out with them.

Of course not.

Race had nothing to do with it.

The fact is this. If you hang with terrorists, if your church gives awards to a man who openly calls folks of white color "cracker", and your preacher of twenty years starts belittling America, and you weren't paying attention, then when Russia tells you they're going to send an A-Bomb your way, are you going to be too stupid to NOT have heard them.

The man you elected doesn't understand the lesson from "Atlas Shrugged." Tax the rich, and the rich will pass it on, and all you create is inflation.

The man you elected doesn't understand terrorists (or he's so sympathetic to them, he doesn't want to do anything about them), so when we pull out of Iraq, every single Muslim terrorist in the world will bring their terrorism to OUR doorstep. (Remember, the radical Muslims believe it is their duty to kill every single American male, because of our "corrupt" ways.)

Now, I don't know if the photo was doctored, but I saw a photo of this man with the senator from New Mexico and Hillary Clinton while they held their hands over their hearts, and he just stood there with his arms at his side.

If you're going to be the President of a country, shouldn't you at least follow its traditions?

The man you elected believes that gay marriage is okay. All right, most people ain't figured out that marriage is in the sight of God, and they just do it for the tax breaks, but to allow more people to abuse the tax system, based on what this country has continually fought against---

Yeah, I didn't like McCain or Palin either. And, I still think that in four years, it is time for REAL change. And, not by someone who just spouts it and manipulates by using Neuro-Linguistic programming tricks.

Let me give you another idea of REAL change.

How about, instead of this stupid political system where two people, neither of whom is qualified, and who use massive amounts of money to try and convince you they are right, let's do this:

Let's put everybody's name in a barrel that's qualified to be President.

In other words, they are at least 35.

They are not a convicted felon.

And, let's even include Naturalized Citizens. (And, not because the governator is one, but because overall, Naturalized Citizens know more about this country than YOU probably do.)

Now, stick everybody's name in that barrel, and spin it a thousand times.

Reach in, pull a name out.


You're the President for the next four years.

And, only for four years.

And, let's pick all our other elected officials that way.

Now, let's tell them this:

You either make this country or break this country. But, you do it based on logic and reason.

Can't do any worse than what the American public did last night?

Live for Truth,

A. Fletcher

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