Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Most Important Men In Politics Today

htNo, it ain't Obama or McCain or Dubya.

The MOST IMPORTANT man in politics today is:

Stephen Colbert.

(And, you had best get his name right. It is not Stephen Col-burt--like in Bert and Ernie. It's Stephen Col-bear as in Fozzie the Bear.)

But, this guy is no Sesame Street wanna be.

He's the real deal in politics.

He gets it.

He knows that politics is just a freaking joke.

And, he handles it better than anybody else.

He's the only man who wanted to be on both the democratic and the republican ticket. But, they refunded his money, and wouldn't let him do it.

He's probably happy about that, because he couldn't afford the pay cut.

But, being that he truly gets the truth about politics and politicians being the greatest joke of all time, probably made him the most qualified of all the candidates to be the President.

From his "shedding tears" at the announcement of Obama being declared President, to summing up and making fun of his guest's comments and pointing out how ridiculous they are, HE IS THE MASTER of ALL THINGS political.

The next most important man in politics is Michael Savage.

Now, he could have been at the top. But, he had this moment when he demanded that we all had to vote for Bush to stop John Kerry from ruining America, and now he does nothing but decry how stupid Bush is (which I strongly suspected in the last election, already.)

But, Michael talks about "language, borders, and culture." If you are in America, be American. If you want to be a liberal whacko ( because liberalism is a disease, according to him, and he's only half right. Ultra-conservatism is also a disease.) then he doesn't want you on his show, and will gun you down before you even unhook the clasp from your holster.

Michael understands the stupidity of what's going on in Washington. But, occasionally, he goes off the deep end. And, when he does, he's not as funny as Stephen Colbert.

The next most important man in politics is Ron Paul. Ron's got all the right ideas, but he just can't get people to listen to the truth. He will tell you there should be NO special funding for anything that government shouldn't provide. You shouldn't fund the radio, art, or even UNICEF, (although he might budge on UNICEF).

It isn't a question, in my mind, of whether or not we should let the government fund pornographic works. It's a question of whether we should let them fund any art. If you are not good enough as an artist to get your works sold, then do you really belong in the art business.

Ron gets that government shouldn't be the ones running the country. The country should be the ones running the government.

Unfortunately, too many people are focused on security, instead of freedom. (If you don't get that concept, the more security you have, the less freedom you have. If Bush had his way, this would be the safest nation in the world, but you wouldn't have any freedom whatsoever.)

Speaking of important men in politics, we can't forget Dubya. But, not for the reason you think.
He's the reason you have Obama in the White House. He refused to free two border patrol agents who caug a "finally convicted" drug runner, while determining the punishment of "Scooter Libby" was too harsh, and commuting Scooter's sentence. He also defended the prosecutor who used a law that was intended for hardened criminals in prosecuting these two border patrol agents, because he was "friends" with the prosecutor, and knows that the prosecutor was a "fair man."

Yeah, sure he was, Dubya. And, oh, that letter in your e-mail from the chief minister of Nigeria really is true and he wants you to help him extricate $50 million from his homeland, and he'll share it with you.

He befriended the Prez of Mexico, Mr. Fox, who wants all of the undesirables to leave Mexico and be allowed to come to America. Now, let's see. We get their scum, and they keep their wealthy people, and we get WHAT in return. NOTHING. Yeah, great bargaining there. Remind me to never take you with me when I'm looking at used cars.

He botched the timing in the War in Iraq. (Yes, Hussein needed to be taken out, but not until Osama Bin Laden had been taken out first.) His appointment of Tom "tape all your doors shut with duct tape so that the anthrax can't get in, and oh, by the way, if you do, you will probably suffocate to death" Ridge, as the minister of Homeland Defense, was a joke. He'd have been better of putting in Clint Eastwood. At least he would look tough.

He eliminated most of his cabinet at the beginning of his second term, just because they might not agree with him.

So, of course, people had enough of his crap and confused McCain (who ain't all that shiny, either)
with Bush.

Honorable Mentions:

Jon Stewart from the Daily Show, not only for his brand of wit, but because he introduced Stephen Colbert to the world.

Rush Limbaugh, because he was the first to buck the trend. But, he still ain't got it close enough yet. He softened up too much in the last few years.

Hannity and Colmes: Together, they at least try to focus on both sides.

Warren Beatty: For stating that anybody that took what he said about politics seriously is nuts.

Notice I didn't put myself in that group. Yet.

That won't come until I release my fictional trilogy which will be known as "The Amarchy Series" which is short the American Monarchy series, but looks an awful lot like "anarchy" doesn't it? (Yep, clever, ain't I?)

When I write that series, you will see all the ideas from this blog come into what one man who read the first draft called "a heckuva read."

It will have the following in it:

the Mafia
Native American Seers
a militant mercenary and his band of followers
a slut wife of a politician

and a few more surprises.

You will read a tale that will tell my vision of what could and probably should happen to all the politicians in Washington today and how the country will go through a true revolution.

I wonder if I can get Stephen Colbert to do a cameo.

Better yet, I wonder if I can get him to take one of the lead roles.

Won't know until then.

Live For Truth,

A. Fletcher

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